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Our Sincere Condolences to the Haghayegh Family

Its with heavy heart and deepest sorrow to inform you of the sudden passing of Amir Haghayegh on Wednesday. He was one of Farbia Haghayegh’s brothers. Fariba is a very dear friend.

The kind and generous family is well known throughout the community and most of us remember Amir’s infectious laughter and positive attitude.

While his family tries to come to terms with his sudden loss, as always their thoughtfulness shines over our community again.

[Condolence] Its with heavy heart and deepest sorrow to inform you of the sudden passing of Amir Haghayegh on Wednesday. He was one of Farbia Haghayegh’s brothers. Fariba is a very dear friend.

The kind and generous family is well known throughout the community and most of us remember Amir’s infectious laughter and positive attitude.

While his family tries to come to terms with his sudden loss, as always their thoughtfulness shines over our community again.

Fariba Haghayegh, on behalf of her family, is requesting from the community not to bring or, send flowers but instead to please donate the funds to Jasmine Fire Saftey Foundation:

My condolences to the entire family members whom I personally love very much, and always feel very attached to them.