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Help Us Support Samuel "Peaches" Maxwell's Recovery After Surviving the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

Most people have already forgotten the horror of the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland last October - only a few months ago. Here is someone who hasn't.

Samuel "Peaches" Maxwell is a dear friend of one of our founding members. Please support this fellow survivor and friend of the Oakland arts community. We need Peaches along with everyone still in rehab to stand up and fight with us.

The Story from YouCaring:

Sam Maxwell - affectionately known as Peaches to his many friends - has been fighting for his life. Please help him. 

According to witnesses, Sam was the last person to leave the burning building at the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland on the night of December 2, 2016. He had the presence of mind to call friends and ask to be taken to Highlands Hospital. 36 other people were not as fortunate. He texted his parents, saying I'm alive. I'm out."

Sam was in a medical coma for four weeks, and is still in the critical care unit in the hospital. He avoided skin burns (apparently by crawling on the floor to get out), but suffered serious smoke inhalation and numerous complications. He is facing extensive physical and emotional rehabilitation. He will need considerable support during that journey. He has suffered as serious a loss as anyone affected by this fire who is still living. You can help him become whole again.